about the ELM gallery
At the top of Uptown Gallery is the ELM Loft Gallery space. The exposed brick walls and rustic pine floors of this gallery are a wonderful backdrop for the weekly class taught there and for exhibits of either traditional or contemporary artworks. Its extensive wall space is ideal for group shows, and with four large windows, there is good natural light during the day and plenty of artificial light for night viewing. In the open area, there is ample room for a reception. Rectangular tables and folding chairs are also available.
exhibition information
Holding medium and large works (up to 5’ high) quite well, the ELM loft gallery has eight-foot-high ceilings. About 25 to 60 medium-sized paintings (approx. 20” x 24”) fit in this area and can easily be hung one above another. Small tables are available for displaying brochures, business cards or small three-dimensional works.
Exhibits last about two months. The six exhibit periods are:
Feb.-Mar. April-May June-July Aug.-Sept. Oct.-Nov. Dec.-Jan.
To exhibit in the ELM Loft Gallery, you or your group must be approved by Uptown, must reserve the exhibit period with a $25 deposit, and sign a contract. Cost is $250 per exhibit period, due upon delivery of artwork. Uptown Gallery takes a 30% commission on sales of work. Please contact Uptown Gallery at [email protected] for more information.
For rental contract, downlaod pdf:

To print layout of ELM loft gallery: