Tom Krusinis
My art career began early with Crayola drawings in the pages of the
Chicago Tribune. However, my formal education was not in art. I have
a BS, MBA and have spent 30 years working for major corporations in
a variety of marketing management positions. I painted throughout my
corporate career taking classes and workshops to build my skills.
Early retirement has opened the door to full time dedication to my art.
But why in the world would I become an artist? Because I Love to
Paint! The creative process makes me feel great. Color fuels my
spirit and nothing is better than painting on location near my home,
throughout the US, or across Europe.
I work in a variety of media, however, Watercolor and Oil are my major
emphasis. While size and media may vary, the landscape is the
dominant subject. My paintings reflect how I feel about the subject.
One can visually enter the work and not need to see every brick, flower
or blade of grass. So enjoy the view.
"But why in the world
would I become an
artist? Because I love
to paint! The creative
process makes me feel
spirit and nothing is
better than painting on
location near my
home, throughout the
US, or across Europe."
 Beach Houses
(18" x 24" Oil on Canvas)
 Early Morning France
(18" x 24" Oil on Canvas)
 Eastern Point Light
(18" x 24" Oil on Canvas)