Uptown Galleries
Uptown has three galleries. The ELM (Emma Lou Martin) Gallery is located on the top (loft) floor. The Frable Gallery is located on the mezzanine level. The Main Gallery is located on the ground level.
ART OPENINGS FRIDAY - Opening reception will be on Friday June 1st, from 5 to 8:30 P.M.

New Exhibits
Uptown Gallery's new main exhibit, "Finding Common Ground", features the work of acrylic painter David Robatin. Robatin is a highly unusual painter. Most painters portray objects, sometimes with feeling, and others go to great effort not to portray anything recognizable. Robatin, however, paints only his feelings. He translates his emotions into recognizable but highly abstracted objects to evoke the emotions he has experienced. "Painting has always been my way of finishing a thought or placing meaning to an emotion. It�s freeing to develop an idea and see it through to something that others can experience. To me, the key is finding common ground in that experience � a story or thing that happened to you that has happened to me. I find value in that commonality. All of my emotions, aspirations, history, happiness and pain are there, waiting to be shared with you." Some twenty other Uptown artists will exhibit in the main gallery also.
Guest artist Katharine Owens, from Fredericksburg, adds to the fun with her beautiful collages. All her work is created using paper with only the auxiliary use of paint. At first glance, it may appear that her work is a painting or even a photograph; viewers are often surprised when they realize the entire project is actually created by careful and precise use of individual pieces of paper. Katharine�s collage style of art is unique because of the intricate detail and 3-D imagery in every piece. The more one studies her art, the more one sees the depth within the image. Her specialty is focusing attention on both a central image while also making creative use of empty space with many overlays of paper and paint.
The opening reception will be on Friday July 6, from 5 to 8:30 P.M.
(Reception also on Friday, Aug. 3 from 5 to 8:30 P.M.)
 Work by by Katharine Owens, Guest artist in the Main Gallery
Continuing Exhibits
In the ELM Loft gallery space, "What To Do With Orange?" continues through July 28. The sixth in a series of color explorations, the show was judged by respected Richmond artist Susan Singer. A variety of Richmond artists show how they use the color orange to make their art sing. This explosion of color includes a variety of media, including photographs, drawings, paintings and three-dimensional works, with interpretations even more varied than the media.
© Uptown Gallery - All Rights Reserved 1305 West Main Street, Richmond VA 23220
[email protected]