Melissa Holly
As far back as I can remember, I have been looking at the World as being made up of patterns -- patterns of color, motion, geometry, and even patterns of cause and effect. My journey into the world of art has been circuitous, one consisting of stops and starts, and many diversions into both math and science.
While math can be viewed as the science of patterns, art is the pattern of images. From grand scale images to those that are very close up, images surround us. I love those images, and as an artist, I try to share this love with my viewers.
From the mundane to the glorious, this World is filled with fascinating sights. Sometimes, a field filled with morning mist will make the viewer pause and breathe more deeply. Other times, an old door can make the viewer wonder who has passed through it, and what were their circumstances. Walking up a flight of steps outdoors, I stop and look to see what has collected in corners of the steps; it is often a fascinating collection of items that tells the history of those using the steps. Life never ceases to surprise me; and there is always something for me to say through my art.
Mixed Media 12" x 16"
 Fibonacci 1
Acrylic 30" x 24"
 Quartz Acrylic 24" x 30"