Vincent Calabrese
I am primarily a self taught artist, though I have been painting since
childhood. While on the faculty at VCU�s School of Medicine I did take
courses in painting at VCU, including two years with Frank Cole, as
well as classes at the VMFA in painting, oil pastel and print making.
Since retiring I have devoted most of my time to painting, including a
number of workshops in oil, acrylic and watercolor. These include
plein air painting workshop with David Lussier and Pam Simpson,
acrylic workshops with Vera Dickerson and watercolor workshops with
Warren Taylor, Frank Francese and Don Andrews.
This has all resulted in some recognition, with a 1st place award in
acrylic at the 2008 Art Affair, 1st and 2nd place awards at Crossroads
Art Center All Media Shows in 2008 and a 1st place in 2009. In 2008,
pictures were accepted for the Virginia Watercolor Society show in
Roanoke and the Central Virginia Watercolor Guild show in
Charlottesville. I also won an Award of Excellence at the 2009 Central
Virginia Watercolor Guild exhibit.
I paint regularly by myself, but also meet regularly with the Richmond
Experimental Artists group for painting and feedback from the
My works include acrylic, watercolor and oil. The choice of media often
depends on the subject and how I want it to be portrayed, or simply,
my mood. My works are very personal; usually reflecting my reaction to
a subject, place, a color or shape. I am constantly trying to learn new
ways to express myself and try not to limit my techniques. I thoroughly
enjoy studio painting, but love to get out in the field for plein air painting
which usually gives me a fresh way of seeing things.
My works are very
personal; usually
reflecting my reaction
to a subject, place, a
color or shape. I am
constantly trying to
learn new ways to
express myself and try
not to limit my
techniques. I
thoroughly enjoy
studio painting, but
love to get out in the
field for plein air
painting which usually
gives me a fresh way of
seeing things.
 Lewis Ginter Waterway
 Spem in Alium - Thomas Tallis
 Three at Home