George Crawford
Taking his inspiration from the landscapes around him, George paints
images of the countryside and the city. In these scenes the viewer
may be invited to step out into a vast and contemp-lative natural world
of forests, fields, and beaches, or to walk down a city street, while
other works offer a respite from these journeys. Working primarily in
oils, George describes himself as a colorist, in which the painting is
an opportunity to express his fascination with what the richness of light
In recounting a recent trip to Arizona, George said that as he went
walking in the early morning he was struck by the quality of the light,
and how the relationship between the color of the trees and the blue of
that cloudless sky showed him something he had never seen before.
�What I saw with my eyes was something different than what a camera
revealed, and so when I paint I try to return to what I see with my eyes,
and what sticks in my memory.
He has been painting and drawing since his teenage years, and holds
a Bachelor�s degree from Kent State University in Art Education. He
has participated in studio programs at the Visual Art Center and The
Virginia Museum of Fine Arts. His work is in many private collections.
"When I sit down and
white canvas reveals
very little. Gradually
the colors and forms
synthesize and
harmonize until the
creative process is
 Arizona Walk
(32" x 40" Oil on Canvas, $2000)
 August Afternoon
(20" x 24" Oil on Canvas, $950)
 Bath County Wayside
(9" x 12" Oil on Canvas, $350)