Arline Murphy
As both of my parents were artists, the whole family was busy painting
at an early age and they are busy painting and entering shows and
competitions even to this day. Our children discovered the joy of
creating art too and have entered their creations of artistic
photography, silver jewelry and painting in many shows.
After I ended my teaching career in science and chemistry and the
children grew up and began careers of their own I had time to take
more art and art history courses, work as a museum docent and enter
juried shows. I also researched pre-Columbian art and wrote a book
about this art and the people who produced it that has been published
as a manual for the museum and students in high school and college.
My art, mainly in water media has been accepted in juried shows in
Texas, Florida, South Carolina and Virginia. I was juried into a gallery
in Columbia South Carolina that included a studio, and a gallery-shop
in Charleston South Carolina. I have been juried into shows in
Charlottesville and the Virginia Watercolor Society and am a juried
member of the Bon Air Artists Association and the Uptown Gallery.
 Island Strand
(10" x 10" Water Media)
 Palm Harbor
(19" x 13.5" Water Media)
 Rondo Capriccioso
(14" x 15" Water Media)