Patrice Reese
All my life I have been told to paint what I �know� and �feel� not what I
�see�. It has only taken five decades to learn to follow that advice. I
have always lived near large bodies of water. My father was a Marine
so we traveled up and down the coasts of America. I spent my
formative years in Virginia and North Carolina.
In the late sixties and early seventies, I attended and graduated from
East Carolina University with a degree in Art Education and Interior
Design. I continued my life�s journey by marrying a Navy Officer. While
stationed at Charleston, South Carolina, I took my first watercolor
landscape class. During that class, we were transferred to San
Diego, California. This move provided me my greatest learning
opportunity by allowing me to study with a group of artists, then known
as the California Watercolor School. These adventurous souls went
on to form the National Watercolor Society � I only wish I had paid
more attention back then!
Despite numerous transfers and unaccompanied deployments, I
continued to paint, teach, and raise children. During one extended
deployment, (the kids were driving me crazy - I had to get out of the
house) I took a workshop (cheaper than therapy!) with Skip Lawrence.
He has influenced my painting ever since.
Maine is a creative atmosphere that permeates into your soul. My
paintings are inspired by what I see and feel while I�m in Maine. It may
be the stone wall in front of the hotel or the people I meet at the
workshops the support system is encouraging to those with a very
open mind to try something new but connected to your creative soul.
"All my life I have been
told to paint what I
�know� and �feel� not
what I �see�. It has
only taken five decades
to learn to follow that
 Is Paisley In
 I'm Seeing Dots
 Winter Lace